Keep America Beautiful’s  2017 Youth Advisory Council Scholarship, created for graduating high school seniors who are actively involved with Keep America Beautiful at a national or local level, was presented to Riley Dehr of North Platte, Nebraska, and Atticus Lemahieu of Bogart, Georgia. The Scholarship funds were raised during the 2017 Keep America Beautiful National Conference in Washington D.C.

Riley, a senior at North Platte High School, is known by his family and classmates as the ultimate “treehugger.” Throughout his life he has been involved locally with Keep North Platte-Lincoln County Beautiful in North Platte, Nebraska, where he has participated in litter cleanups, collaborated with the local recycling facility on its annual electronics recycling event, assisted with tree plantings, and worked the local Earth Day festival booth. In 2016, Riley was selected to be a member of the 2016-2017 National Youth Advisory Council to implement projects in his community and educate his peers about litter prevention, recycling and beautification. Riley plans to attend the University of Michigan this fall to study both Environmental and Political Science.

Atticus, a senior at North Oconee High School, has a passion for combating environmental issues that face future generations. Through his high school career he has been part of his local FFA Supervised Agricultural Experiences and the Boy Scouts of America. He has taken on leadership roles in each organization and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Atticus works with Keep Oconee County Beautiful Commission in Watkinsville, Georgia, where he organizes cleanups in his community and on his school’s campus. Atticus will be attending the Georgia Institute of Technology this fall to study Environmental Engineering.

Keep America Beautiful’s National Youth Advisory Council provides a unique opportunity for high school students from diverse backgrounds across the nation to participate in a service-learning and leadership development program. Keep America Beautiful selects 10 students nationwide to contribute to and inform Keep America Beautiful on programs, while acting as ambassadors and leaders for youth service in their communities.

To learn more about Keep America Beautiful’s Youth Advisory Council, and our other educational programs and resources, click here.

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Keep America Beautiful Announces Youth Advisory Council Scholarship Recipients

by | May 24, 2017

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