Keep America Beautiful statewide affiliate Keep Virginia Beautiful (KVB) recently announced a partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to help support the agency’s Adopt-a-Highway program.

Keep Virginia Beautiful will promote the Adopt-a-Highway program through its website, social media platforms, and public relations channels as well as its many external partners. In addition to boosting volunteer recruitment and participation, KVB will educate the general public on the need, impact, and benefits of an effective Adopt-a-Highway program in preventing litter and beautifying roads throughout the Commonwealth.

Virginia’s Adopt-a-Highway has involved thousands of groups since it was first established in Virginia in 1988. It provides the opportunity for businesses, civic groups, and even families to clean up litter on a designated highway and be recognized for their efforts with a sign featuring their name after two pickups have been documented. KVB is confident that this partnership will produce measurable results in the number of miles covered with regular litter cleanups and the recycling of collected waste, which will in turn translate into overall savings for the Commonwealth.

“Our goal is to raise awareness of the impact litter has on our environment and that it’s up to us to change our behavior and make a difference,” said Mike Baum, Executive Director of Keep Virginia Beautiful.

Visit the VDOT website to to get involved.

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Keep Virginia Beautiful Partners with Virginia DOT to Promote the Adopt-a-Highway Program

by | May 25, 2017

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