In April 2015, Joseph (Joe) Maroon led a community-wide Great American Cleanup event for the Village of New Straitsville, Ohio. Approximately 30 volunteers donated 90 hours and collected 216 tires and 190 bags of litter. He also coordinated an Adopt-A-Highway cleanup event that included two miles of State Route 93 in Perry County, located between the Village of New Straitsville and Shawnee in the Wayne National Forest. In 2015, Maroon is also working with members of the community to maintain the local community garden. This summer, they have filled 17 raised boxes with vegetables. Much of the proceeds from the garden are being donated to the community. As a resident of the community, he has and continues to volunteer countless hours in support of making his community a better place to live, work, and play. Joe Maroonwas instrumental in working with Keep Southeast Ohio Beautiful (Wayne National Forest) to bring the mission of Keep America Beautiful to his community.
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Volunteer Spotlight: Joseph Maroon
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