Keep Golden Isles Beautiful: Marsh Madness 2020

Georgia is home to roughly 1/3 of the Eastern Seaboard’s remaining salt marsh. Known as the “ocean’s nursery,” this valuable natural resource not only provides shelter for young marine life, it also plays a vital role in storm energy absorption. During Keep America Beautiful’s annual Great American Cleanup, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful (KGIB) hosts “Marsh Madness” each March, focusing on salt marsh and salt marsh area cleanups. In 2020 a lofty goal of 20 such cleanups in one month was set. Even with a world-wide pandemic, 17 cleanups were held in March, with the remaining taking place in the summer. Volunteers worked underneath bridges, at fishing piers and boat ramps, in ocean side parks and down in the salt marsh itself. In the end, Marsh Madness surpassed its original goal with impressive numbers: a total of 234 volunteers worked 347 hours at 24 salt marsh and marsh area cleanups, removing 7.11 TONS of trash, including 154.5 tires. In the Golden Isles of Georgia, it is nobody’s “job” to remove marsh trash (GA Department of Natural Resources removes derelict vessels). Without the effort of KGIB volunteers, 7.11 tons of trash, including 154.5 tires, would still remain in the beautiful and vital Marshes of Glynn. Marsh Madness participants, site leaders, community partners and sponsors provided a sorely needed community service  and made a positive impact in Georgia coastal resource health.

Check out the video here: