Jäeger Griswold of Central Lake, Michigan served on the Keep America Beautiful Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Class of 2019-2020. Jäeger’s YAC project was to clean up the local Ellsworth Labyrinth, which became overgrown over the years. His project, called Reviving A”maze”ment, focused on sprucing up the garden area and weeding.

“This project is especially important to me for many reasons,” said Jäeger. “Enjoying this garden as a child, using it as a backdrop for photos of special occasions, relaxing, and playing with my friends and brother here has added to wonderful memories and I hope other people could enjoy this location.”

This project provides a clean and relaxing place to gather, study, [or] meditate,” he adds. “This location will continue to help people in many ways … and I hope to inspire the younger students and teach them the importance of community service.”