Ridgeland Wildflower Trails of Mississippi
Keep Ridgeland Beautiful’s Earth Day project is turning an underutilized space into a pocket park with its main feature being the Keep Mississippi Beautiful Wildflower Trails of Mississippi. The lot is located just off the Interstate 55N and will be a “welcome to Ridgeland” feature for visitors and citizens. The park will have a walking trail through the wildflower field and be surrounded by flowerbeds with assorted plants and trees. Throughout the trail, there will be iron sculptures created by a local artist, Harry Day, and park benches for visitors to take photos and to enjoy our beautiful Earth’s environment with trees, plants, and flowers.
Keep Ridgeland Beautiful Executive Director Jan Richardson says, “We hope visitors and residents will enjoy this beautiful and welcoming natural area at this gateway to our city. It will have a walking trail and be a wonderful spot to take portraits and family photos. We are grateful for Tim Taylor for taking this field from drab to fabulous and for support from our Parks and Recreation Department. We are so thankful to Keep Mississippi Beautiful and their support and excitement about the project. Come see our pollinators at work this summer.”
Keep Mississippi Executive Director Sarah Kountouris added, “With Earth Day a little different this year and seeing the amazing work Keep Ridgeland Beautiful is doing with their Wildflower Trail — this will help make everyday EARTH DAY.”