walking the dog and picking up trash

I live in a middle class neighborhood in an affluent part of Charlotte, NC. Every day I am not working, I walk my dog Tater. If I go left out of our driveway, I go deeper into the neighborhood (there is no other exit). If I go right, I hit a busy street in about a ¼ mile.

Every day we walk, I pick up garbage. It started with just a poop bag. Then just the bag from the Charlotte Observer. Now sometimes, when I go right, I take a garbage bag and a separate bag for recyclables.
For a year I added up my collections (May2019-May 2020). I was able to prevent almost 10 lb of recycling from being run over, and over 46 lb of garbage from going into our local creeks.
Just wanted to share that every little bit someone does can make a difference.