Keep Austin Beautiful’s 2017 Clean Sweep, sponsored by Fox 7 and Samsung, was a tremendous success!
Every year Keep Austin Beautiful hosts Clean Sweep, a citywide cleanup at 138 sites spanning 31 zip codes. This year’s event on April 8 resulted in more than 30 tons of trash removed by 4,300-plus volunteers, who contributed 8,700 combined service hours.
Some of the sites included cleanups along the creeks, trails and shores of Lady Bird Lake, as well as waterway cleanups in which volunteers fished trash out the water from their kayaks and canoes. In addition, volunteers planted gardens and participated in an Environment Education Fair with hands-on activities.
Keep Austin Beautiful’s volunteer appreciation party featured the awesome music of The Gin Racers. Volunteers were treated to free t-shirts, lunch, drinks, snacks and fun door prizes, including the Clean Sweep Most Unique Finds contest.
Keep Austin Beautiful is always looking for volunteers to help out and has a number of volunteer opportunities coming up. Register to volunteer here!