More than 100 volunteers participate in America Recycles Day event
Keep Nassau Beautiful, located in Nassau County, Florida, partnered with the Town of Callahan for a community cleanup and recycling event, in celebration of America Recycles Day®, a Keep America Beautiful® program. More than 100 volunteers and sponsor representatives, including Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and West Nassau High School Air Force Junior ROTC cadets, collected more than 4 tons of litter and debris from roadways, parks, and parking lots. In addition, Keep Nassau Beautiful provided the supplies for the event, keeping the theme of America Recycles Day in mind.
“America Recycles Day draws attention to the importance of recycling and reusing items,” said Lynda Bell, Keep Nassau Beautiful executive director, “which is why Keep Nassau Beautiful was proud to offer reusable gloves and reusable bags for the cleanup event, (as well as) recycling bins for bottles and cans.”
Several community groups took part by donating their services during the event, including Meridian Waste, SandHill Recycling, Nassau County Solid Waste Department, Nassau County Sheriff’s Department, and AA Bottled Gas.
The event also offered free drop-off for residential yard debris, construction and demolition debris, tires, prescription drugs, and propane tanks to Callahan residents.