Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRB), based in Vero Beach, Florida, awarded Bill Madigan its Volunteer of the Year Award at its third annual KIRB Environmental Awards on Feb. 24.

Bill contributed an impressive total of more than 175 volunteer hours in 2016 alone! As an avid recycler, Bill helped man KIRB’s Upcycle It store as well as volunteering at various recycling events throughout the year. He plays a vital role on KIRB’s new Recycling Management team, which provides recycling bins and manages all the recycling at large, local events in the community.

Keep Indian River Beautiful is thankful for Bill’s reliability, trustworthiness and hard work. To show its appreciation, the Keep America Beautiful affiliate eventually hired him as a paid employee for the Upcycle It Store.

Bill continues to be dedicated to KIRB’s cause and its efforts to beautify all of Indian River County.


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Volunteer Spotlight: Bill Madigan

by | Apr 28, 2017

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