In 2025, Keep America Beautiful® will provide grants to support the implementation of our Cigarette Litter Prevention and Recycling Program, Greatest American Cleanup™, and Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Corridor Community grant programs.  

As you plan your program activities and prepare your application, please keep the following in mind:

    • While some grant opportunities are open to organizations outside the KAB affiliate network, KAB affiliates receive priority review and consideration. 
    • Each grant opportunity has its own implementation timeline and interim and final reporting requirements. 
    • Grant recipients will receive 70% of funding upon execution of a grant agreement and receipt of an invoice, and the final 30% upon receipt of a final invoice and the submission and approval of a final report.

Keep America Beautiful affiliates must apply through the KAB Affiliate Hub. The affiliate links below will take you to the Hub log-in page. 

Great to Greatest American Cleanup Grants  

The Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup® is the nation’s largest community improvement program to clean and beautify communities across the United States each spring. This year, Keep America Beautiful and its affiliates are taking the “Great” American Cleanup to the next level – making it the “Greatest”! 

With a renewed focus to ‘do more’ to meet community needs, Keep America Beautiful affiliates will use this funding to: remove litter and debris from roadsides, highways, shorelines, and waterways; plant trees, flowers, and gardens; beautify community spaces through art; lead community recycling efforts; and clean and restore nature trails, recreation areas, and playgrounds. 

This program shift will support the larger Greatest American Cleanup campaign to clean up 25 billion pieces of litter and beautify 25,000 communities across America for her 250th birthday on July 4, 2026.  

In 2025, Keep America Beautiful is excited to offer its affiliates cash grants to ‘keep things growing’, boost efforts to support the Greatest American Cleanup, and bring communities together to do beautiful things. 

This opportunity is ONLY available to Keep America Beautiful affiliates.

The application period is now closed

Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Corridor Community Grants 

Keep America Beautiful’s MLK Corridor Community Grants empower communities to revitalize, beautify and transform areas in and around Martin Luther King Jr. corridors and neighborhoods. With over 950 MLK corridors across the United States transecting a variety of different neighborhood types and commercial uses, these grants provide crucial funding to businesses, residents, and community groups to address local challenges and meet their needs to create vibrant, and welcoming spaces. 

These grants support the Greatest American Cleanup through the creation and revitalization of beautiful places, directly aligning with the initiative’s goal of beautifying 25,000 communities by July 4, 2026. Past MLK projects have included murals and public art installations, the creation of community gardens and green spaces, tree plantings, and cleanup efforts. 

MLK Corridor Community Grant applications are now open. Note the submission deadline has been extended to 5pm ET on Friday February 21, 2025.

Cigarette Litter Prevention & Recycling Program Grants (CLPR)  

The Keep America Beautiful Cigarette Litter Prevention & Recycling Program helps reduce litter in American communities by collecting cigarette waste from public spaces and waterways and recycling it. Since its inception in 2003, the program has been implemented in more than 1,800 communities across the nation, achieving an average of 50% reduction in cigarette waste. 

This program supports the Greatest American Cleanup by tackling one of the most common forms of litter—cigarette butts. The grants fund local efforts to prevent, recycle, and educate about cigarette waste, which complements broader cleanup activities. Together, these efforts help create cleaner, more sustainable communities across the country. 

The CLPR grant application is now open but will close at 5pm ET on March 22, 2025


Your generosity allows us to expand our program offerings, fund community improvement projects from coast to coast, and provide the means needed to make meaningful and lasting impact in local communities across the U.S.