Beautify Communities

Everyone in America deserves to live in a beautiful community

At Keep America Beautiful, we believe each of us deserves to live in a beautiful home. In order for that to become a reality, we all need to come together to create and maintain it.

Keep America Beautiful works across community, government, and business sectors to create beautiful spaces and places for all of us to share. We’re pleased to be able to provide these free resources for individual, community, and partner use.

Note that we need the list/PDFS still. lists are below

How to Plan a Community
Beautification Project

Graffiti Prevention: Creating A Community Mural (PDF to convert)

Anti-graffiti resources:

Educational resource: Get a clue about Graffiti (PDF to convert)
Educational resource: Teacher’s Guide (PDF to convert)

Educational resource: How to Establish a Graffiti Task Force (PDF to convert)
Educational resource: Graffiti Prevention: Tips for Homeowners (PDF to convert)
Educational resource: Graffiti Prevention: Tips for Businesses (PDF to convert)
Educational resource: Lights, Landscape, Access (PDF to convert)

Affiliates in Action

Here are just a few examples of beautification projects from our hard-working affiliates:

Fort Bliss Soldier Named Recycling Hero on Veterans Day

Nov 11, 2019 This Veteran’s Day, Keep America Beautiful found its perfect hero at El Paso’s Fort Bliss. Sgt. 1st Class George J. Johnson of the 5th Armored Brigade was presented with an America Recycles Day Recycling Award by KAB’s president, Helen Lowman. Johnson...

Support for Beautification

Is your community seeking funding for a beautification project?

Check out our annual Community Grants information and apply!


Your generosity allows us to expand our program offerings, fund community improvement projects from coast to coast, and provide the means needed to make meaningful and lasting impact in local communities across the U.S.