Have a photo that would be great for us to use for #KABCaptionThis? Email it to Director of Communications, Abby Turpin – aturpin@kab.org
STAMFORD, Conn. (September 26, 2022) – Keep America Beautiful®, the nation’s leading community improvement organization, is continuously looking for ways to engage current and new followers who want to help ensure that everyone lives in a beautiful community. This month, we rolled out a new initiative called Caption This for KAB to help aid that engagement on social media.
Every few weeks, KAB posts a photo of something that reflects our mission to end littering, improve recycling, and beautify America’s communities. We invite anyone on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to submit their caption for the photo. KAB President and CEO, Jennifer Lawson, then chooses the caption she thinks best fits the photo, with the winner receiving a gift from KAB.
See below as we track each contest and hear from each winner, as well as why Jenny chose the caption she did.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to be a part of this friendly competition! Please share and use the hashtag #KABCaptionThis.
September 16, 2022:

CAPTION THIS 📷 CONTEST: WE HAVE A WINNER! 23 captions were submitted in our first Caption This for KAB contest. KAB President and CEO, Jennifer Lawson, chose the caption she feels fits the photo best, and it was one submitted by Charles Simpson of Clemmons, NC – “How much does litter really cost us?”
In his words:
“Lately I’ve noticed I see trash on the side of the road (or in the road) almost everywhere I go, and it really bothers me. If somebody doesn’t pick it up, then it will stay there forever or get chopped up by a mower and wash down a storm drain and into our waterways. On the other hand, when I spend time picking up trash (especially plastics and Styrofoam), it’s the most gratifying feeling. Thank you for picking my caption. Hopefully we can all work together to Keep America Beautiful!” – Charles Simpson
And from President and CEO, Jennifer Lawson:
“This entry really demonstrated that we need to understand litter as an economic challenge to our communities. In the circular economy, litter on the ground is money on the ground. It costs communities to clean it up and it negatively impacts the economic vitality of a neighborhood.”
Congratulations, Charles, and thank you to everyone who took part in the contest!
Contact: Abby Turpin, Director of Communications
Keep America Beautiful®