The COVID-19 pandemic forced every Keep America Beautiful affiliate to take a look at their program and reevaluate how they could continue to make a difference in their communities while being mindful of the safety factors that come with managing a volunteer program...
Nearly one million tires are illegally dumped annually in Memphis, TN. Memphis City Beautiful Commission partnered with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to collect illegally dumped tires to be recycled into materials for a walking trail. In...
Keep Dalton-Whitfield Beautiful, located in Georgia, created a cost-effective and easy-to-implement method to create mural-inspired trash cans that decrease littering. The project was sparked by a local high schooler, Abbie Burt, who had an idea to tackle litter and...
As an environmentally-focused nonprofit that traditionally plays host to a slew of community cleanup and recycling events over the course of the year, COVID-19 has taken quite a toll on Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful’s event calendar. Finally, on November 7, Gwinnett...
The Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission (KAB) announced the statewide launch of its first-ever illustrated children’s book “Otto the Otter and the Great Arkansas Mystery.” Families and children from across the state can now access the free book both online and at local...
North Carolina affiliate hits major milestone in preventing cigarette butt litter Keep New Hanover Beautiful (KNHB) announced in October that it had collected and recycled one million cigarette butts, totaling 1,000 pounds, via cigarette butt canisters. With the...