Welcome to Do Beautiful Things, a podcast hosted by Jenny Lawson, President and CEO of Keep America Beautiful. This podcast will engage experts and everyday people looking for straightforward answers to questions about the science, behaviors, business solutions, and policies that can help us all create more beautiful and sustainable communities. Together we will explore fascinating topics like the life of a recycled beer can, the value of urban forests, the people who are cleaning up literal ‘tons’ of litter in their community, and so much more. Our discussions are not just interviews; they are insightful conversations that illuminate the path to a greener tomorrow!

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Recent Episodes

Breaking Down Barriers: What Holds Us Back from Picking Up Litter?

Breaking Down Barriers: What Holds Us Back from Picking Up Litter?

In this episode of Do Beautiful Things, Jenny Lawson speaks with Wendy Salomon from The Harris Poll about their research on litter, its impact on communities, and what motivates people to take action. They delve into the findings that highlight the barriers preventing individuals from picking up litter and explore the sense of community and shared values that drive others to make their neighborhoods cleaner and more beautiful. Join the conversation to discover how you can be part of the change and take action in the Greatest American Cleanup.

“Whether I identify as Democrat, Republican, or independent, I am motivated to pick up litter because it aligns with my personal beliefs. So this is truly a unifying bridging activity.”  Wendy Salomon, Managing Director of Reputation & Corporate Strategy at The Harris Poll 

**Episode to air March 20, 2025**



Recycling Reality Check

Series 2

Series 1

Funding in support of the “Do Beautiful Things” podcast series,

“Recycling Reality Check,” is provided by: