recycle christmas lights

Nov 11, 2019

This Veteran’s Day, Keep America Beautiful found its perfect hero at El Paso’s Fort Bliss.

Sgt. 1st Class George J. Johnson of the 5th Armored Brigade was presented with an America Recycles Day Recycling Award by KAB’s president, Helen Lowman.

Johnson stood out among the 38 heroes recognized, specifically ensuring his unit was compliant with the post’s recycling policy by reaching out to the Fort Bliss Recycling Program. Johnson worked to make sure his unit relocated recycling bins, making them more accessible and available for use.

In addition to presenting Johnson’s individual award, a special America Recycles Day Recycling award was also presented to Terri Smythe, Fort Bliss recycling project manager.

The Fort Bliss Recycle Heroes program is a part of a larger recycling effort, with the goal of having the program elements adopted by other Department of Defense facilities to promote and enhance net zero waste initiatives and promote recycling.

“Heroic acts are not so easily seen or acknowledged when they are everyday acts that benefit the greater good,” said Keep America Beautiful President and CEO Helen Lowman. “We are so pleased to acknowledge these everyday acts, taken by the Fort Bliss Recycling Heroes. This campaign is a perfect example of rewarding good stewardship behavior by recognizing Fort Bliss for pursuing a Net Zero Waste future.”

“Today is a special time for our Recycling Heroes,” Smythe said. “Keep America Beautiful and EPA have come together to recognize the hard work of our soldiers – not only for what they do every day but also for those who take that extra step to make recycling part of our mission readiness at Fort Bliss.”

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