bringing individuals Together for a clean, green & Beautiful Tomorrow
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Volunteers make it happen.
The rewards we receive from volunteer work serving our neighbors are shared by all of us- because everyone deserves to live in a beautiful community.
KAB Volunteers By The Numbers
Last year alone, over 400,000 hard-working volunteers logged more than 2.9 Million volunteer hours over the course of over 64,000 events.
What did our combined service to our communities accomplish?
of litter, debris, and recycling collected
cleaned of litter
of streets, roads, and highways cleaned and beautified
of rivers, lakes, wetlands and shores cleaned
planted, helping to restore communities
How To Be A Volunteer In Your Community
Keep America Beautiful affiliates hold events all year long. Our signature programs offer opportunities for volunteers to act locally while generating nationwide impact.
Great American Cleanup® (GAC)
We take Spring Cleaning seriously! Kicking off on the first day of Spring every year, Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup® is the nation’s largest community improvement program. Communities large and small hold volunteer opportunities for cleaning up, recycling, planting trees, shrubs, and flowers, and beautifying neighborhoods across the country.
America Recycles Day® (ARD)
What can one person do? You can make a BIG difference when you recycle! America Recycles Day, a Keep America Beautiful national initiative, is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. We’re proud to share tips on how to be more mindful of what we consume, plus resources on where and how to properly recycle. Join us in recycling right!
Trees are essential to human life. They provide oxygen, food, shelter, medicine, and tools. Trees also increase property values, promote health and well-being, conserve energy, mitigate storm damage, and save water. Planting trees is a practical, effective, and unique way for volunteers to help a community rebuild after a natural disaster. RETREET brings people together to restore communities, promoting resiliency and environmental stewardship.
Workplace Cleanup Events
Your company may already be hosting a workplace cleanup event! Contact your Human Resources Department to find out if your company is a Keep America Beautiful Partner
Cigarette Litter Prevention Program
Did you know that 87.9% of litter in America is four inches or smaller in size? Of that litter, cigarette butts are the #1 most littered item (source: 2020 Keep America Beautiful Litter Study). Since 2002, our Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, the nation’s largest program aimed at eliminating cigarette litter, has been implemented in over 1,800 communities, reducing cigarette litter by HALF within six months, on average.
‘Recycle Like a Champion’: Anheuser-Busch’s ‘National Recycling League’ Aims to Eliminate Waste on Game Day with Keep America Beautiful®
(April 12, 2022) – Anheuser-Busch is uniting its sports team partners – including Major League Baseball and the National Football League – to launch the National Recycling League: a new, multi-sports league coalition aiming to reduce waste on game day with volunteers from Keep America Beautiful®.
April is Keep America Beautiful® Month – 10 Ways to Take Action
Keep America Beautiful® Month in April celebrates the work led by our 700 state and community-based affiliates, local partners, businesses, public officials, and millions of passionate volunteers.
Keep Dalton-Whitfield Beautiful: Keep America Beautiful’s Affiliate of the Month for April 2022
Keep Dalton-Whitfield Beautiful is being recognized for the Innovation Award they received from KAB in 2020. Keep Dalton Whitfield Beautiful created a cost-effective and easy to implement method to create mural-inspired trash cans that decrease littering.
KAB Innovation Spotlight: Largest Network of Electric Skimmers Introduced in TN River; Potential to Remove 54K Pounds of Litter a Year
Keep America Beautiful is excited to announce the installation of 18 Seabins in the Tennessee River and some of its tributaries. This will make the area home to the largest network of electric litter skimmer devices in any river system in the world. The installation was made possible by two grants from KAB and the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
Keep America Beautiful Announces 24th Annual Great American Cleanup, the Nation’s Largest Community Improvement Program
The 24th annual Great American Cleanup® (GAC) begins Monday, March 21. GAC takes place annually with an estimated 500,000 volunteers taking part in 15,000 community events nationwide, thanks to the work done by the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) network of 700 affiliates and KAB partner organizations. GAC runs through June 22.
“If it’s being said in Gwinnett, it’s being said in every community across the country.” – Virtual conversation March 23 to spark nationwide conversation on litter
Keep America Beautiful and Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful invite everyone to a virtual conversation about litter. Happening March 23 from 8 to 10 a.m. EST, “Connecting People and Places: A Community Conversation About Litter” is intended to address the issue of littering.
Affiliate Network
Individual Action Center
Partners for Change
Your generosity allows us to expand our program offerings, fund community improvement projects from coast to coast, and provide the means needed to make meaningful and lasting impact in local communities across the U.S.