STAMFORD, Conn. (November 15, 2021) – Every November 15, thousands of local communities across the country come together to participate in America Recycles Day® – a national trademark initiative established by Keep America Beautiful® in 1997. It is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States.

In its 24th year, America Recycles Day educates and encourages individuals on how to be more mindful of what they consume, where and how to properly recycle, and to pledge to recycle more and recycle right in their everyday lives.  

“We’re thrilled to be celebrating the 24th anniversary of America Recycles Day and continuing our mission to educate and motivate our neighbors, friends, and colleagues about the importance of recycling,” said Keep America Beautiful President and CEO, Dr. Helen Lowman. “We hope to inspire people across the country to take our #BeRecycled pledge and aid in making recycling an everyday, common habit.”


For the sixth year, Keep America Beautiful is encouraging people to #BeRecycled in every aspect of their life. The #BeRecycled Pledge is a promise to actively choose to live a recycled lifestyle by committing to “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” in all aspects of daily life:

  • Recycling at home, work/school and on-the-go;
  • Buying products made with recycled content; and
  • Educating and encouraging friends, family and neighbors to take the #BeRecycled Pledge.

This year, Keep America Beautiful has a new initiative that will lead up to Giving Tuesday on November 30 ​that not only invites everyone to take the #BeRecycled pledge, but invites everyone to take immediate action through a gift or volunteering to impact their community and the environment for the better.  Over the next fifteen days, every gift given will be matched by BlueTriton Brands. 

To take the pledge and donate, click here

Sponsors of this year’s America Recycles Day include Title Sponsor Cox Enterprises, International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), and BlueTriton Brands.  

About Keep America Beautiful  

Keep America Beautiful®, the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Established in 1953, Keep America Beautiful strives to End Littering, Improve Recycling, and Beautify America’s Communities. We believe everyone has a right to live in a clean, green, and beautiful community, and shares a responsibility to contribute to that vision. The organization is driven by the work and passion of nearly 700 Keep America Beautiful affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the collaborative support of corporate partners, social and civic service organizations, academia, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Donate and take action at  


Contact: Abby Turpin, Director of Communications
Keep America Beautiful®

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Keep America Beautiful Celebrates 24 Years of America Recycles Day

by | Nov 15, 2021

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