Redefining Disaster Relief One Tree At A Time
RETREET® redefines disaster relief by engaging communities to replant lost trees.
We bring individual volunteers together with our affiliates, community organizations, local governments, and regional and national partners to plant native trees. Our tri-sector partnership works to reforest trees in areas that have been impacted by natural disasters.
Every community is unique and has its own set of individual needs and hopes. When we work collaboratively to replant and restore our communities, we keep them healthier and more resilient. New trees literally grow deep roots to anchor and stabilize flood-prone areas, lessen erosion, and improve natural resiliency. Each tree provides a positive impact in its own way on its new community.
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Restoring Community Resilience
“Our programs transform moonscapes back into landscapes, replacing devastation with a renewed sense of environmental identity, bringing joy and hope to affected families.” – Grady McGahan, Director of RETREET
What does restoration look like?
Recent examples of our community building restoration work include these projects:
Brookville, Ohio
81 volunteers braved the threat of rain to plant 153 trees at 76 different homes across the western side of the Miami Valley and in the playground of Trinity Lutheran Church in Brookville. In just 5 hours of volunteer time, the Brookville community was gifted a renewed sense of hope and resilience. The newly planted trees will grow to decrease soil erosion and offer shade to generations of Ohio children.
Many hands make light work! Many thanks to The Dayton Foundation, AES Ohio, UPS, Cargill, and The Home Depot Foundation for their generous support of the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign.
Grateful thanks also go to our local affiliates Keep Ohio Beautiful and Keep Montgomery County Beautiful, and to our partners at the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission and Ohio Chapter ISA.
Working Together
“When I heard about the unique and fantastic work that Keep America Beautiful does with its RETREET program across the country, I immediately jumped at the chance to see how Team Depot could help. It has been amazing to watch
volunteers from all walks of life restore devastated areas by providing beautiful trees that will strengthen and grow, just as communities do after a disaster.” –Gabe Sneller, The Home Depot Foundation Field Manager, Atlanta, GA
What does restoration look like?
Garland TX
Members of our signature RETREET® program and local volunteers in Garland, TX, came together to plant native trees in the city’s Central Park and at 71 homes in a nearby neighborhood. In partnership with Keep Garland Beautiful, the City of Garland Texas Government, Garland Light & Power Co. and The Home Depot Foundation, our volunteers and residents worked together to plant dozens of native trees.
To wrap up the project, a celebration of community was held in the Granger Recreation Center, a joyous event sponsored by one of the Lone Star state’s native companies, Tito’s Handmade Vodka.
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Your generosity allows us to expand our program offerings, fund community improvement projects from coast to coast, and provide the means needed to make meaningful and lasting impact in local communities across the U.S.