Stacy & Tracy
Meet Stacy and Tracy – the stars of our most recent TV public service announcement asking you to recycle plastic beverage bottles. Now they’re taking over our Facebookand Instagram pages through the New Year and we need your help spreading the word in your communities.
In our PSA, Stacy and Tracy chatter from the treetops about who’s recycling their plastic beverage bottles right. As they make their Internet debut this fall, you’ll note the pearl-wearing pair possess their fair share of vanity when it comes to accessorizing and looking good in the neighborhood. But they also know why it’s important to recycle.
WE’RE #1!
Did you know plastic beverage bottles are the most recyclable plastic in the U.S.?
Bottles for most on-the-go beverages like water and soda are packaged in a plastic called polyethylene terephthalate (PET). You can tell your bottle is made of PET by checking for the recycling logo with the number 1 on the bottle.
As you’ll see in Stacy and Tracy’s social media posts, PET bottles can be turned into new things like a warm fleece jacket for the new fall season, cozy living room carpet, and more to-go water bottles. By making new things out of recycled plastic, we are protecting our natural resources and contributing to the “circular economy”
Help Stacy and Tracy teach everyone in your communities how to recycle right, starting this fall. Here’s what you can do:
Follow Stacy and Tracy on Facebook and Instagram and share the Stacy and Tracy videos with your community stakeholders, friends and family. Hashtag #Influencers #SquirrelsWithPearls #SquirrelsofInstagram #RecycleRight #DoBeautifulThings
Every time you finish a cool beverage in a PET bottle, check for the #1 recycling logo. Recycle right and screw the lid back on. Then toss it into the recycling bin.
If you’re on-the-go, stash that bottle in your purse, backpack, or tote and recycle it at home, school or at work.
Join Stacy and Tracy and shout it from the treetops in your own communities about recycling right! Download these shareable videos and visit our Giphy Channel for stickers to use on your social media accounts.