The Super Bowl is often the most-watched television event of the year. In fact, the big game in 2020 was watched by more than 99 million people, according to Nielsen.

Super Bowl LV will be held in Tampa, Florida on Sunday, Feb. 7, and some Florida affiliates are joining the action to give back to the local area.

“Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful and Keep Pinellas Beautiful have been working alongside NFL Green and the Tampa Bay Super Bowl LV Host Committee to help make a difference while cheering on the teams!” writes Keep Florida Beautiful on its website. “These collaborative efforts have resulted in multiple beautification events and projects in the Tampa area.”

While the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to pose unique challenges to us all, you can still incorporate sustainable tips into your game-watching experience.

Here are 5 tips to go green and stay safe while watching the big game:

  1. Recycle.
    • From aluminum cans to glass bottles, be sure you recycle your favorite beverages and other items properly. In fact, aluminum cans are infinitely recyclable with nearly 75% of all aluminum ever produced still in use today. Recycling regulations vary by community. Click here to look up what you can recycle locally.
  2. Support local.
    • Local businesses are essential to the economy. When planning for the big game, consider purchasing supplies from local retailers and ordering food from a local restaurant. Additionally, be realistic about how much food you will consume and try to avoid wasting leftovers. If you do order items online, be sure to recycle shipping boxes.
  3. Reduce what you need.
    • Create decorations from items you already have, such as painting glass jars with the colors of your favorite team and turning them into silverware holders. If you do purchase disposable decor, consider saving and reusing it next year.
  4. Reuse what you have.
    • Go clean and green with sustainable choices by using cloth napkins and real dishware and cutlery. However, if you are gathering with people who do not live inside your home, provide single-use options to ensure safety. Be sure to dispose of any single-use responsibly and recycle what you can.
  5. Manage your used PPE properly.
    • Single-use masks, as well as gloves and wipes, should be thrown away in a trash bin. These items should not be littered or placed in recycling collection bins.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we recommend that individuals exercise physical distancing and wear a face covering when interacting with others, wash hands often, and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

 “Avoid crowds and indoors spaces that do not offer fresh air from the outdoors,” the CDC advises on its website. “If indoors, bring in fresh air by opening windows and doors, if possible.”

The CDC offers these additional tips to make gatherings safer:

  • Bring your own food, drinks, plates, cups, and utensils.
  • Wear a mask indoors and outdoors.
  • Avoid shouting or singing.
  • Limit the number of guests.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and items between use.

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5 Tips to Go Green for the Big Game

by | Jan 29, 2021

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