
Together, We Keep America Beautiful

It’s in our name. It’s who we are.

Beauty is our lasting signature, but we are not in this alone. Through the strength of our affiliate network, Keep America Beautiful® works with millions of volunteers on beautification and greening programs, impacting more than 20,000 communities annually.

In our most recent program year, volunteers logged
over 2.94 Million hours

  • Planting over 3.2 Million plants, shrubs, and trees
  • Cleaning up and creating over 3,000 green spaces & gardens
  • Beautifying nearly 900 public spaces with murals and artwork

Take Action Now

Affiliate Network

Individual Action Center

Partners for Change

Everyone in America deserves to live
in a beautiful community

It’s very simple. We all deserve a beautiful home, and we all need to come together to create and maintain it.

Keep America Beautiful works across community, government, and business sectors to create beautiful spaces and places for all of us to share.

Keep Your Community Beautiful

Keep Your State Beautiful

Keep America

KAB In the News: November 2022

KAB In the News: November 2022

STAMFORD, Conn. (November 2022) – Every day, we are tracking articles, stories, and mentions about the efforts of the thousands of staff members and volunteers who make Keep America Beautiful the nation’s leading community improvement organization. We feel it’s...

Our Signature Programs

Through educational programs and our ongoing efforts including the Great American Cleanup®Community Impact Grants, and our inspiring #DoBeautifulThings initiative, our beautification work leads to native species plantings, establishing sustainable community gardens, and tree plantings, vacant lot transformation, graffiti abatement, and more.

We believe that service is beautiful. When we work together, we make a more beautiful environment for us all.

Great American Cleanup® (GAC)

Our signature program, the Great American Cleanup®is a nationwide effort spanning 3 months each year. Hundreds of thousands of people come together to take part in local volunteer opportunities, educating, cleaning and beautifying.

Together, our work cleans, greens and beautifies thousands of communities – and counting. Find a cleanup near you!

Community Impact Grants

As the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, Keep America Beautiful® is proud to offer our annual Community Impact Grant Program. This grant program supports communities and our nearly 700-member affiliate network in preventing littering, promoting recycling, and building clean, green, and beautiful neighborhoods.

The grants are designed to support our Affiliate network, other nonprofit organizations, and community groups in implementing programs or projects designed to build clean, green, and beautiful places for all to thrive and enjoy.

Keep America Beautiful is committed to fostering community diversity, unity, and environmental sustainability.

Beautification Resources

Looking for additional information on how you can get started on a beautification project?


People do beautiful things every day. We celebrate the beautiful work being done by our nearly 700 affiliates and the hundreds of thousands of dedicated volunteers who give their time and energy to serving their friends and neighbors. Learn more about the latest national award winners, and browse our gallery of amazing stories of beauty.

Educational Programs

We are proud to offer educational resources for teaching our youth about litter prevention, recycling best practices, and how to create a beautiful place wherever they live. Learn more about our Educational Programs and free downloadable resources.


Your generosity allows us to expand our program offerings, fund community improvement projects from coast to coast, and provide the means needed to make meaningful and lasting impact in local communities across the U.S.

Take Action Now

Affiliate Network

Individual Action Center

Partners for Change