Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! On April 22, tune into Earth Day Live online.

Over 1 billion people observe Earth Day each year, making it the world’s largest civic event. Earth Day works with over 50,000 partner organizations worldwide, including Keep America Beautiful®. Over 190 countries now participate in Earth Day activities.

At every turn, Earth Day Network, the global coordinating body of Earth Day worldwide and founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970, works to broaden the definition of “environment” to include issues that affect our health and our communities, such as improving deteriorated schools, creating green jobs and investment, and promoting fact-based activism to stop air and water pollution.

Earth Day 2020 – EARTHRISE Digital campaign

Because of event restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic, Earth Day is transforming its 50th Anniversary event to a digital platform for the first time in its history. Over the course of the month of April, EARTHRISE 2020 has delivered educational content, influential voices, and responsible calls to action to mobilize individuals to protect the planet in a unified voice.

Tell everyone you know about April 22 and join us at earthday.org as we flood the world with messages of hope, optimism and, above all — action.

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Earth Day Live 2020

by | Apr 20, 2020

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