The holiday season brings glittering lights, ornaments, trees, and festive trinkets that adorn our homes, but what do we do with them when it’s all over? Properly disposing of holiday decorations can be confusing, but we have put together this list to help guide you through the process of bidding farewell to your holiday decor. 

Reuse and Repurpose: 

The holidays are a time of joy and memory-making.  Save those ornaments and holiday decor for use the following year.  Or if you are looking to spread the joy with family members, pass down some of those treasured pieces to create family heirlooms.  Even ones that may not have high financial value are often worth more than their weight in gold when it comes to passing down family traditions and memories.  Also, hold on to the wrapping materials – paper, gift bags, and ribbon can all be used again the following year.

Separate and Sort: 

Before ditching your decor into the trash, take a moment to separate based on their materials to allow for proper recycling where possible. Group items such as glass ornaments, metal decorations, plastic figurines, and natural materials like wreaths or pinecones. 


Did you know, many holiday decorations are made from recyclable materials? That’s right. Glass ornaments, metal hooks, and cardboard packaging can often be recycled; check with your local recycling center to understand their guidelines, and be sure to clean items before placing them in the recycling bin. 

Let’s Donate: 

Now that you’ve gone through steps 1-3, but still have leftover decorations, it’s time to donate. For those decorations that are still in good condition but no longer fit your aesthetic or theme, look for local community centers, schools, or charities that may welcome holiday decorations for their events or fundraising activities. It’s a wonderful way to spread joy while minimizing waste. 

Composting Natural Decorations: 

If your holiday decor includes natural elements like wreaths, garlands, or pinecones, consider composting them. These items can break down naturally and enrich your soil. Remove any non-compostable elements, such as wires or artificial components, before adding them to your compost pile. 

Electronic Waste & Tree Collections: 

When saying goodbye to old string lights or electronic decorations, explore electronic waste collection events in your community. Numerous areas offer dedicated programs to safely dispose of electronic components, preventing the entry of harmful materials into landfills. The same applies to holiday trees—seek out a Green-waste drop-off. Many communities organize post-holiday events specifically for this purpose. 

By following these eco-friendly disposal practices, we can ensure that our festive spirit doesn’t come at the cost of our planet. Let this be the season of joy, reflection, and responsible choices as we look forward to a more sustainable future. 

Download, listen, and subscribe to the Do Beautiful Things™ podcast series Recycling Reality Check™ to hear more about recycling, including recycling myths, the importance of recycling plastics, and the economic and environmental impact of recycling efforts. Click HERE.

About Keep America Beautiful®:

Keep America Beautiful®, the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Established in 1953, Keep America Beautiful® strives to End Littering, Improve Recycling, and Beautify America’s Communities. We believe everyone has a right to live in a clean, green, and beautiful community, and shares a responsibility to contribute to that vision. The organization is driven by the work and passion of 700 Keep America Beautiful® affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the collaborative support of corporate partners, social and civic service organizations, academia, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Join us on FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedin, and YouTubeDonate and take action at


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Keep America Beautiful®

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Greening the Season: What to do with my Post-Holiday Decor?

by | Dec 6, 2023

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