Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful (KADB), a Keep America Beautiful affiliate in Albany, Georgia, is celebrating its 25th anniversary of recycling initiatives.

Over the past 25 years, KADB has demonstrated a strong commitment to furthering recycling in Georgia. It operates three recycling drop-off centers and remains one of 15 local government entities in Georgia that maintains recycling statistics as part of the “Measure Georgia” initiative, which tracks recycling data in the state.

KADB Executive Director Judy Bowles, who serves on Keep America Beautiful’s national board of directors and has been with the local affiliate since 1990, mentioned in a recent Albany Herald story that the citizens of Albany and Dougherty counties have “placed nearly 10,000 tons of material into the recycling stream” since the early ’90s, giving their garbage another life.

Other recent landmarks include the “Cheers to Our Volunteers” luncheon, celebrating a year of tremendous volunteer participation with thousands of volunteers participating in KADB events in 2015. In addition, Albany Mayor Dorothy Hubbard declared Saturday, Feb. 17, as Arbor Day in Albany, as KADB volunteers planted 50 trees near the city’s civic center.

Read more about KADB’s many successes in recycling in Brad McEwen’s Albany Herald story. (Photo courtesy of Albany Herald.)

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Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycling Initiatives

by | Feb 22, 2016

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