Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful (KADB) recently partnered with the Charlie Freeman Ministries in their ongoing effort to provide aid to local citizens who were affected by major weather events earlier this year.

Partnering with the Charlie Freeman Ministries, KADB assisted its citizens by removing large tree root balls left on their property after two major weather events in Albany, Georgia.

A tornado took four lives and more than 3,000 trees were lost, most of which were left lying on homes.

“Recovery is slow, but the ‘Root Ball Roundup’ is assisting with debris that is too large for most of our homeowners to handle,” said Judy Bowles, executive director of KADB.

Volunteers using donated large equipment  to remove the trees is a welcome site for citizens still in shock, Bowles added.

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Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful Continues to Provide Aid to Citizens Affected by Tornado

by | Jul 12, 2017

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