Keep America Beautiful Staff Spotlight:

Grady McGahan


Welcome to our Staff Spotlight series, where we shine a light on the incredible individuals driving positive change at Keep America Beautiful! Today, we’re thrilled to highlight Grady McGahan, Senior Director of Green Strategies and Community Development. As the founder of RETREET®, a Keep America Beautiful signature program focused on redefining disaster relief by engaging communities to replant lost trees, his passion for green initiatives inspires us all to think GREEN!

Dive into our Q&A session below to discover more about Grady’s journey with Keep America Beautiful. 

Q: How long have you worked for Keep America Beautiful?

A: Three and counting working for KAB, and more than 8 years working
alongside the affiliate network

Q: Where are you located?

A: Dallas, Texas

Q:  What do you do for Keep America Beautiful? 

A: I am the Senior Director of Green Strategies & Community Development.

Grady McGahan addresses RETREET volunteers in Trotwood, Ohio, as they prepare to plant replacement trees at homes affected by an EF4 tornado in 2019.


Q: What does beauty mean to you?

A: A sunset over the ocean, a spot of bright red or yellow in an otherwise green
forest, the smile of someone who loves you.

Q: What three words describe how you feel about your work?

A: Everything I want.

Q: What was the most rewarding/inspiring project you’ve worked on or been a part of?

A: RETREET, obviously!


Q: If you were a tree, plant, or flower, what would you be and why?

A: The mighty redwood. I was born in San Francisco, and I absolutely love those
massive, beautiful trees.

Q: What is the strangest piece of litter you’ve ever collected?

A: Live bullets!

Q: When you’re not doing beautiful things, what are you doing?

A: Reading, walking, playing board games, spending time with friends, family,
and my cats.

Q: What’s a piece of advice you’ve been given while doing this work?

A: It’s never too late to start!

About Keep America Beautiful®:

Keep America Beautiful®, the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Established in 1953, Keep America Beautiful® strives to End Littering, Improve Recycling, and Beautify America’s Communities. We believe everyone has a right to live in a clean, green, and beautiful community, and shares a responsibility to contribute to that vision. The organization is driven by the work and passion of 700 Keep America Beautiful® affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the collaborative support of corporate partners, social and civic service organizations, academia, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and YouTube. Donate and take action at


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Keep America Beautiful®

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Employee Spotlight: Get to Know Grady McGahan

by | Jun 6, 2024

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