Keep Keith County Beautiful wins 7th place in the PepsiCo Recycle Rally
Located in Ogallala, Nebraska, Keep Keith County Beautiful (KKCB), in partnership with local school Prairie View, placed 7th in the PepsiCo Recycling’s 2019-2020 Recycle Rally Challenge. Recycle Rally, sponsored by Pepsi-Cola Management & Administrative Services, Inc., is a free program designed to educate and instill recycling behaviors at K-12 schools across the country.
Prairie View School will be awarded a winning prize of $20,000. The school’s Green Team has been a nationally-recognized top 10 finisher in this competition for nearly a decade. Following success at Prairie View and other Ogallala schools, KKCB is expanding its environmental education and participation with other schools.
“We are replicating the model that had been implemented in Ogallala with our curriculum, social media, and support of the administration, staff, and teachers,” Chris Vail, executive director of KKCB, said in an email. “Thanks to the successes at Ogallala Public Schools and the endorsements from our area with ESU 16, we will be adding Stapleton, Mullen, Tryon and Thedford to our schools for 2020-2021.”