Keep Pensacola Beautiful revitalizes park with music
Keep Pensacola Beautiful (KPB) in Florida has created an outdoor, musical space called ‘Harmony Park Pensacola’ for kids of all ages to enjoy and utilize. The installation featuring permanent, large-scale musical instruments is located at Englewood Park. The park was selected based off KPB Litter Index results, which indicated the space needed attention. Englewood Park is also home to the local chapter of the Boys and Girls Club, which is already taking advantage of the new addition.
KPB used grants and community sponsors to build the installation. The Escambia County Parks and Recreation Department assisted by pouring a concrete slab and installing the instruments and benches. KPB also planted shrubs around the instruments to beautify the space.
[optin-monster-shortcode id=”cjy2h5amjduinapglyv7″]“Our goal is to increase children’s opportunities to play in an educational way and to enhance their love of music and artistic expression,” KPB writes on its website. “In the long term, we hope that our implementation of this park will encourage other community organizations and neighborhood associations to take greater ownership of and pride in their own local parks.”
‘Harmony Park’ is the first of its kind in the area, and KPB says it hopes to install even more throughout the county.
“We were very proud to be able to beautify this space for this park and the surrounding community and can’t wait to be able to implement more,” said Sigrid Solgard, executive director of KPB.