Keep Truckee Meadow Beautiful (KTMB) hosted their 11th annual Great Community Cleanup on Saturday, May 6.

More than 700 volunteers worked across 24 sites throughout the Truckee Meadows community in and surrounding Reno, Nevada. Volunteers helped to remove invasive weeds, pick up trash in the downtown Reno corridor, and clean up illegally dumped trash. Preliminary results indicate that the volunteers were successful in removing an impressive 113,600 pounds of trash and weeds, including tires, appliances, shot-up televisions, and illegally dumped furniture. During the 2016 Great Community Cleanup, KTMB volunteers removed 152,000 pounds of litter and debris.

Sponsorships from Truckee River Fund, Washoe County Health District, Sun Valley General Improvement District, NV Energy helped make this event possible!

KTMB’s Executive Director Christi Cakiroglu commented, “This is an amazing community effort. We’re so grateful to our many partners that make this happen. We’re especially grateful to all the hundreds of volunteers who came out despite a threat of rain to make today such a tremendous success.”

Another major annual cleanup that KTMB organizes is the Truckee River Cleanup Day, which takes place the last Saturday in September every year. Annually, more than 800 volunteers come together to keep the Truckee River clean and pristine for all to enjoy. Projects include storm-drain stenciling, litter pickup, graffiti removal, in-the-river trash removal (by kayakers and flyfishers), weed pulling and park beautification projects.

Check the KTMB Calendar for upcoming events.

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Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Great Community Cleanup Great Success

by | May 8, 2017

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