RETREET Celebrates Successful Completion of the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign

RETREET volunteers plant a tree in this Miami Valley resident’s yard, contributing to the 125 trees planted during that weekend.

(Dayton, OH) – In a heartwarming display of resilience and community spirit, the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign (MVTC) achieved a major milestone, bringing life and hope back to southwest Ohio neighborhoods devastated by the 2019 Memorial Day tornadoes. Led by Keep America Beautiful®’s (KAB) RETREET® Program and supported by donors and community partners, the initiative involved the planting of 724 trees over the course of 2.5 years, transforming the scarred landscapes of Brookville, Trotwood, Harrison Township, Dayton, Clayton, Beavercreek, West Milton, and Ludlow Falls and making neighborhoods feel like home again for countless families.  

The journey towards rebuilding these communities started with an initial planting in October 2021, alongside KAB’s local affiliates Keep Ohio Beautiful and Keep Montgomery County Beautiful, and a whole host of local partners, including the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission. However, the transformative efforts of MVTC extended even beyond tree planting and community building. Before the first tree entered the ground, KAB organized and initiated a comprehensive tree debris removal and maintenance program for Miami Valley residents. This foundational step ensured that the new trees had the best possible chance to thrive, free from the remnants of the devastating tornadoes, and that important needs were met for those who had the fewest resources for recovery. 

The journey towards rebuilding these communities started with an initial planting in October 2021, alongside KAB’s local affiliates Keep Ohio Beautiful and Keep Montgomery County Beautiful, and a whole host of local partners, including the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission. However, the transformative efforts of MVTC extended even beyond tree planting and community building. Before the first tree entered the ground, KAB organized and initiated a comprehensive tree debris removal and maintenance program for Miami Valley residents. This foundational step ensured that the new trees had the best possible chance to thrive, free from the remnants of the devastating tornadoes, and that important needs were met for those who had the fewest resources for recovery. 

Removing tree debris and offering free pruning services was an incredibly important element of the campaign. 

Grady McGahan


“Doing so allowed us to address the overall health of the remaining urban forest and solve problems that would have prevented new trees from being planted, making the work a crucial equity-focused extension of our program,” said Grady McGahan, the founder of RETREET.

The final planting event, which took place on September 23rd, was a beacon of unity, with volunteers traveling from various parts of the country to join local participants in planting trees at home sites. Through the generous support of The Slenski Family, 50 native trees also were planted in Russ Nature Reserve, which was particularly hard hit on Memorial Day 2019. 

Rap Hankins, a former Trotwood City Councilman, offered up a sentiment shared by many: “When a resident loses a tree, you do not feel whole until that tree is replaced. We are coming back as a community thanks to the commitment of RETREET.” His words captured the essence of the campaign, which aimed to restore not just the greenery but also the sense of environmental identity for the affected families. 

Volunteers from RETREET work together to ensure the successful planting of this tree in the yard of a Miami Valley resident.

In the evening following the final planting, the Miami Valley community came together for a joyous celebration. Volunteers, partners, local dignitaries, and sponsors gathered to revel in the success of the campaign. The atmosphere was filled with camaraderie and gratitude as attendees shared stories of resilience and renewal. Adding to the festive ambiance, The Motown Sounds of Touch took the stage at the celebratory banquet, serenading the attendees and enhancing the sense of togetherness. It was a night not only of music and merriment but also of shared victories and a promising future. 

MVTC addressed a vital aspect of post-disaster recovery—replanting mature trees, often overlooked amidst the focus on infrastructure and housing. These trees, lost during the tornadoes, were symbolically returned to the land, offering a tangible sign of hope and a promise of a greener tomorrow. 

Witnessing their collaborative efforts to replant trees after such a tragic event has been truly inspiring. It has brought me great joy to work alongside the Miami Valley community members.

Jerí Irby


As autumn paints the region with the warm hues of fall, the Miami Valley stands stronger, greener, and more united than ever before. Therefore, the legacy of MVTC is not just the newly planted trees that grace the landscape. It also lives on in the collective spirit of the people who came together, demonstrating that from the darkest storms, the most beautiful growth can emerge. 

These trees, now taking root in their new homes, serve as living memorials to the resilience of the Miami Valley community. Each tree tells a story of hope, each leaf rustles with the promise of a better tomorrow. MVTC stands as a testament to the strength, unity, and unwavering spirit of the community—a story that will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come. 

The Mowtown Sounds of Touch perform at the RETREET celebratory banquet.

Major funding for MVTC was generously provided by The Dayton Foundation, AES Ohio, The Thomas J Miske Fund, Charles D Berry, The UPS Foundation, Cargill, and The Home Depot Foundation, among others. 


RETREET® is a flagship program of KAB that redefines disaster relief by engaging communities to replant lost trees. To date, the program has brought 6,687 trees to thousands of families recovering from natural disasters in communities across North America. There is no other agency focused on this unique, important, and underrepresented part of the recovery process. As such, the RETREET® program has become the national standard in this work. 

About Keep America Beautiful®:

Keep America Beautiful®, the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Established in 1953, Keep America Beautiful® strives to End Littering, Improve Recycling, and Beautify America’s Communities. We believe everyone has a right to live in a clean, green, and beautiful community, and shares a responsibility to contribute to that vision. The organization is driven by the work and passion of 700 Keep America Beautiful® affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the collaborative support of corporate partners, social and civic service organizations, academia, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Join us on FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedin, and YouTubeDonate and take action at


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RETREET® Celebrates Successful Completion of the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign

by | Oct 10, 2023

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