Bill Boyd and Boy Scout Troop 701 have adopted the busiest recycling drop off in Delaware County, Ohio. Over the past seven plus years, Bill has personally picked up tons of materials left outside or blown from the drop off bins and insured they were deposited in the bins. He has regularly reported illegal dumping and other maintenance issues. He has swept up glass, and checked to make sure the site had adequate capacity on holidays. He has taught the scouts he leads to do the same. Keep Delaware County Beautiful could not and can not manage this their recycling side without Bill!

NOMINATE a volunteer that makes an impact in your community! Keep America Beautiful is thankful for our dedicated volunteers and to celebrate them, we encourage entries for the “Volunteer Spotlight” feature on The volunteers can be nominated by an affiliate, State Leader or sponsor.  Affiliate staff and/or State Leader staff are not eligible. 

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Volunteer Spotlight: Bill Boyd

by | Sep 20, 2016

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