Sammy Romero has been a friend of Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) for many years, and he truly embodies the definition of an “unsung hero.” His involvement with KIB began with the partnership they have with their local Phi Theta Kappa chapter, Alpha Zeta Eta at North Lake College. Sammy’s wife is also North Lake College’s faculty advisor, Dr. Yolanda Romero, who also serves as on the KIB Board. Not only does KIB have a passionate board member in Yolanda and a dynamic group of student volunteers, they also have Sammy. Sammy has worked with KIB in many capacities, and in everything from charity walks to float building to manning the KIB booth at festivals and school events. He is always up for whatever task he is given. He is a take-charge, no nonsense, get ’er done kind of guy, and that is certainly evident at KIB’s GAC event, the “Don’t Mess with Texas Trash-Off.” He participates each year, and is willing to do whatever task is assigned to him, and a few others along the way. When Sammy sees something that needs to be done, he just does it, and does it well. Whether it is supervising volunteers, passing out supplies or being part of the litter pickup teams, Sammy always performs the duty to the utmost of his ability, never seeking praise or attention. In the most recent GAC event, in addition to helping both before the event in set-up and after the event in packing up, Sammy was the team leader for the group distributing supplies, and the process had never before run so smoothly. He has also gone deep into the woods and along creek beds to retrieve litter, not one bit afraid of getting dirty.

Others have taken notice of Sammy’s selflessness. He was surprised with a special award from North Lake for the many hours of volunteer service he has given to not just Phi Theta Kappa, but the college as a whole, serving as a positive role model for staff and students.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Sammy Romero

by | Apr 4, 2016

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