Show the Earth Some Love: 7 Ways To Have An Eco-friendly Valentine’s Day
Celebrate Valentine’s Day sustainably with eco-friendly practices. Discover tips for a more environmentally conscious and waste-free celebration.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day sustainably with eco-friendly practices. Discover tips for a more environmentally conscious and waste-free celebration.
Keep America Beautiful® is proud to celebrate Debbie Miller, a dedicated volunteer with Keep Akron Beautiful. Discover how Debbie turned a tragic accident into a city-wide movement, transforming Akron one piece of litter at a time
Joint study by Keep Indianapolis Beautiful and University of Michigan School of Public Health finds a 12% decrease in gun violence within half-mile radius of “Pocket Parks.”
Tallahassee, FL’s capital, proudly wins the Best Neighborhood Program award from Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) for its Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Corridor Enhancement Project.
Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful takes immense pride in its ambitious tree-planting endeavor that aims to breathe new life into the historically significant MLK corridor.
At the heart of Keep America Beautiful® (KAB) lies an unwavering commitment to creating a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful America that embraces all its citizens. For one KAB affiliate, this not only represents the core of their mission but also an aspiration to bring together all their residents, including people with disabilities, to appreciate their community.