by | May 25, 2022 | Affilliates, America Recycles Day, Do Beautiful Things, KAB In The News, Recycling
Keep Texas Beautiful: Bringing Sectors Together for Rural Recycling Keep Texas Recycling (KTR) focuses on cooperative opportunities for recycling in rural and underserved communities. KTR’s services include implementation consultation, negotiations with...
by | Apr 21, 2022 | KAB In The News, Partners, Press Releases, Recycling, Video, Volunteering
April, 2022 Anheuser-Busch is uniting its sports team partners – including Major League Baseball and the National Football League – to launch the National Recycling League: a new, multi-sports league coalition aiming to reduce waste on game day with volunteers from...
by | Jan 29, 2021 | Affilliates, America Recycles Day, Article, Award, Do Beautiful Things, KAB In The News, Partners, Program, Recycling, Video, Volunteering
Nov 11, 2019 This Veteran’s Day, Keep America Beautiful found its perfect hero at El Paso’s Fort Bliss. Sgt. 1st Class George J. Johnson of the 5th Armored Brigade was presented with an America Recycles Day Recycling Award by KAB’s president, Helen Lowman. Johnson...