Keep America Beautiful Hires Newark Executive Director
Sabrina Ross will spearhead initiatives that align with the organization’s commitment to creating and maintaining healthy and attractive environments for communities to enjoy.
Sabrina Ross will spearhead initiatives that align with the organization’s commitment to creating and maintaining healthy and attractive environments for communities to enjoy.
Joint study by Keep Indianapolis Beautiful and University of Michigan School of Public Health finds a 12% decrease in gun violence within half-mile radius of “Pocket Parks.”
Keep America Beautiful affiliate and community volunters team up to revitalize a New Mexico tunnel, boosting scenic appeal and infrastructure.
Keep America Beautiful recognizes Keep Gastonia Beautiful (KGB) for their hard work and innovation, awarding them the January 2024 Affiliate of the Month Award. As a Bee City USA, KGB devised a clever and artistic method to emphasize and educate the community about the importance of bees.
In December, Keep America Beautiful has chosen Keep Smyrna Beautiful as its Affiliate of the Month, acknowledging the success of its Garden and Arts Tour, which was honored with the KAB Innovation Award in 2022.
Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful, recognized as Keep America Beautiful’s October Affiliate of the Month. Their innovative projects, including a state website on litter, have united Rhode Island communities in the fight against litter.